Jute Handicrafts of Bangladesh

Jute, The Golden Fibre

Jute is a natural fibre which is popularly known as the golden fibre. It is one of the cheapest and durable natural fibres available, and is regarded as the fibre of the future. In terms of global textile fibre production, jute is only surpassed by cotton. There are two main types of jute, white jute (Corchorus Capsularies) and dark jute or tossa (Corchorus Olitorius) are mainly grown in India, Bangladesh, China, and Thailand. Some also grown in southeast Asia and Brazil. By virtue of self-excellence, it once flourished the term "Bengal" internationally and thereafter contributed significantly to Bengali culture.

Jute in Bangladesh   

Jute is a crop that has been used for centuries. After the liberation of Bangladesh from Pakistan in 1971, most of the jute mills owned by Pakistan were taken over by the government of Bangladesh. Due to its quick growth rate and lack of extreme sensitivity to the environment in which it is grown, jute is incredibly adaptable and reasonably priced. Jute is referred as the "golden fibre" in Bangladesh and provide farmers with a significant source of income. The majority of the raw jute is grown in Bangladesh and is now world's top exporter of high-quality raw jute. Currently, around 35 million people (20% of the total population) in Bangladesh are either directly or indirectly engaged in the industry's manufacturing, processing, and marketing of jute goods. India now imports a significant amount of fibre from Bangladesh as Indian jute production has not kept up with rising demand. 

Handmade Jute Crafts

Jute is a popular material for upholstery and other home goods in the world of fashion and design. Jute has been used for industrial, agricultural, and domestic uses for a long time. Today, jute, the major natural fibre in Bangladesh, is used to create some of the best products available. It is highly appreciated as a raw material for use in a variety of crafts in Bangladesh. With their artistic abilities, the people of Bangladesh have been using jute to manufacture a variety of handicrafts.

Some of the beautiful jute crafts are:

Shika: One of the traditional uses for jute is in the manufacture of the shika, a multi-purpose storage bag that is hung from the ceiling of the house to maximise the space that is available. Smaller shikas are used to store bottles, jars, and even pots in the kitchen, while larger shikas carrying quilts and blankets are hung from the ceilings during the summer months when these are not needed. Now it is also used for hanging plants to decorate homes.

Basket: Jute basket shows the beauty of nature and also represents the culture and tradition of Bangladesh. The makers of these type of baskets constantly thinks about how to make them more attractive and distinctive. It is easy to carry things in these baskets. Also the unique and colourful baskets are used as home decor. Jute baskets are incredibly versatile and relatively affordable. Bangladeshi jute baskets are very popular worldwide.

Hammock or dolna: Jute hammocks are the most demanded amongst the environmentally conscious people. It brings about an ideal fusion of beauty, elegance and comfort for the lovers of jute handicraft. These hammocks are perfect for outside spaces, such as gardens and picnic areas. The handmade hammock comes in a variety of sizes and shapes for both adults and children.

Carpet: Jute carpets or rugs are very popular nowadays. It is trendy and budget-friendly, also easy to clean. Since jute is a completely renewable material, jute carpets are durable and long-lasting. Since jute carpets are made of natural fibres, they are ideal for people who are allergic to wool.

Other jute crafts such as bags, wall decor, jewellery, table mats etc are being used all over the world. Bangladeshi artisans' livelihoods have improved as a result of jute craft's popularity and demand. They are currently promoting Bangladeshi culture by exporting their handmade jute goods.


World opinion is evolving in favour of using more natural products due to the growing awareness of the need for a pollution-free environment. Jute is a natural fibre that is easy to dispose and is favourable to the environment. The use of jute and jute products is not only eco-friendly but also contributes to preventing ecological degradation. As a result of increased environmental awareness worldwide, demand for a variety of jute products is rising day by day.


  1. Our tradition, our pride. Thanks.

  2. Great Job! Well-organized composition!!!

  3. Very informative..thnx for sharing 💕

  4. Hope these endangered traditional crafts shine soon with such global acknowledgement. Good luck.

  5. Jute is the golden fiber of Bangladesh. It is matter of sorrow that the industry is in danger. Hope the industry will overcome soon. Nice initiative for encouraging people about jute products. God bless you.

  6. Its very informative writing about jute, thanks

  7. Such an informative article. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I went through your presentation and found it very much precise and valuably informative.


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