Bamboo and Cane Crafts of Bangladesh
Introduction Cane and bamboo works are two of the well-known Bangladeshi crafts. The most widespread craft practised worldwide involves the use of natural fibres like cane and bamboo. The majority of the rural population's basic needs in Bangladesh are met by fibres made from reed, cane, and bamboo; the houses they live in, the mats they use for sleeping and praying, the trays, baskets, and sieves they use for various tasks, and the caskets they use to store their produced crops. Raw Material The giant bamboo is one of the most widely used, which grows aplenty in the forests. Bamboo forests can be found in the deltaic area of greater Dhaka, the rocky terrain of Mymensingh, the hill tracts of Chittagong, and farther north in Sylhet and Nilphamari. Cane is a tough and prickly creeper that has been often used by artisans as a second type of vegetation. A superior variety of cane grows naturally in Sylhet while a wild and inferior variant grows in other places. Today, c...